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Serverless Architectures and Frameworks

  1. Serverless Architectures
    1. Terraform and Serverless
    2. Governance
    3. Microservices vs. Serverless. Kubernetes vs Serverless
    4. Case Studies
    5. FaaS: Function as a Service
    6. Serverless Ecosystems Comparison
  2. Serverless Framework (the most popular serverless ecosystem)
  3. Orchestrators of Functions on Kubernetes (aka Kubernetes Native Serverless Frameworks or FaaS Providers)
    1. OpenFaaS
    2. OpenFunction
    3. Knative
      1. OpenShift Serverless with Knative
    4. Kubeless
    5. OpenWhisk
    6. Dapr Microservices Frameworks
  4. Popular Deployment Frameworks for AWS Lambda
  5. TriggerMesh serverless event router
  6. Images
  7. Tweets

Serverless Architectures

Terraform and Serverless


Microservices vs. Serverless. Kubernetes vs Serverless

Case Studies

FaaS: Function as a Service

Serverless Ecosystems Comparison

Orchestrators of Functions on Kubernetes (aka Kubernetes Native Serverless Frameworks or FaaS Providers)




OpenShift Serverless with Knative



Dapr Microservices Frameworks

TriggerMesh serverless event router

  • TriggerMesh Easily build event-driven applications
    • Open-source AWS EventBridge alternative
    • Unified eventing experience
    • Developer-friendly CLI
    • Runs on Docker or natively on Kubernetes
  • TriggerMesh: Open Sourcing Event-Driven Applications The open source, cloud-agnostic, serverless event router allows users to produce and consume between multiple clouds and on-prem data centers. Check out these real-life case studies.


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